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Admissions Information

The Admissions Authority for the school is The Challenge Academy Trust and  Warrington Borough Council. Admissions information can be accessed by using the link below:

Warrington Borough Council Admissions

Or, contact:

School Admissions, Contact Warrington, 26/30 Horsemarket Street, Warrington, WA1 1XL

Telephone: 01925 446226

Email: schooladmissions@warrington.gov.uk

Here you will also be able to find information about In-Year applications.

Parents wishing to enrol a child for school should contact the Headteacher at any time. The School Governors in partnership with the Local Authority have set admission limits of 90 pupils in each year group.

Community Schools such as Broomfields Junior School have identical admission criteria and the Local Authority, as the admission authority, deals with applications for places. Allocation of places will be decided by applying the published criteria.

A copy of the full admissions policy is available at the school or online, however, a brief summary is provided below:

Oversubscription Criteria

From 1 September 2000 an important change to the oversubscription criteria was introduced for Community Schools. These schools no longer have defined geographical catchment zones for admission purposes. This change is reflected in the oversubscription criteria detailed below. Sometimes there are not enough places at a school to satisfy every parent who wants to send a child there. This is what is meant when a school is “oversubscribed‟. This is why we ask you to name more than one school in the order you prefer on the application form. Oversubscription criteria are used to prioritise applications for places where the number of applications for a school is greater than the number of places available. NONE OF THE CRITERIA GUARANTEE PLACEMENT.



If your child is refused a place at any school for which you have expressed a preference, you have the right to appeal against the decision to an Independent School Appeals Panel.  This applies where the school is community controlled, a faith school or an academy.  Please click above for more information.  The like also details the timetable for school appeals.

Appeals link

Community Primary and Secondary Schools

The oversubscription criteria are:

  1. Children in the care of a Local Authority (also known as ‘looked after children’ or ‘children in public care’).
  2. Siblings (pupils with elder brothers or sisters already attending the preferred school and expected to continue at the school in the following school year. This includes full, half or step brothers and sisters and foster brothers and sisters who are living at the same address as part of the same family unit);
  3. Pupils for whom advice from a medical practitioner or psychologist has been provided by the parents in support of admission to a particular school, which, in the Council’s view, justifies admission to the preferred school. The Council, if it is considered appropriate, will seek the views of the School Medical Officer or Educational Psychologist in the event of parents requesting admission on medical or psychological grounds;
  4. Pupils attending designated associated partner primary schools (this applies to admissions to secondary schools only);
  5. Pupils living nearest to the school defined ‘as the crow flies’ from the front door of the child’s permanent place of residence to the central point of the main entrance to the school site (main gate) as designated by the Local Authority. Where a school reaches its published admission number from pupils within one of the categories listed above, those pupils to be admitted from within that category will be those whose permanent places of residence are closest to the school as defined in oversubscription criterion.
  6. For the purpose of dealing with applications for admission on the grounds of sibling being in attendance, separate infant and junior schools will be regarded as a single unit.
  7. Potential new parents are invited to visit the school to see it "at work". Nearer the date of the intended admission, parents are invited to bring their child to school to meet the staff and children in an informal way.

Transfer policy

Pupils normally transfer to Broomfields Junior School from Cobbs Infant School having reached their seventh birthday by the 31st August. Opportunities are provided for children and parents to visit school prior to transfer, together with an evening meeting to discuss issues with the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher and new class teachers. We provide the opportunity for parents to have a guided visit to the school, believing it to be extremely important that the transfer process is dealt with as supportively as possible. Additionally, both the Headteacher, Deputy Headteacher, Special Needs Co-ordinator and class teachers visit Cobbs Infant School to meet and welcome their new pupils.

Older pupils are usually transferred to Bridgewater High School having reached their eleventh birthday by the 31st August. The on-going pupils have the opportunity to:

  • Attend an Open Evening;
  • Be welcomed by Bridgewater High School's Head of Year 7;
  • Engage in communication with current Year 7 pupils;
  • Experience two full days at Bridgewater High School;
  • Work on a curriculum project to be continued in Y7

All the above help to answer the important questions both pupils and parents have
regarding their prospective new environment.

We are extremely proud of our close links with both Cobbs Infant School and
Bridgewater High School and continue to develop Inter-school curriculum links to enable the continued smooth transition from the Key Stage 1 to Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 2 to Key Stage 3.

Visit Arrangements

Parents considering sending their children to Broomfields Junior School should contact the Headteacher so that an introductory visit can be arranged. We are proud of our school and will be delighted to show you round.

Arrange a Visit

Full Name
Email address
Phone number
Pupil name

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